Saturday 2 January 2010

An overview of the Wallace and Bruce topic

Intermediate History - Wallace and Bruce and the Wars of Independence 1286 - 1328

This History unit is the first unit to be studied in S2. You will be tested on your knowledge of what you have learned during the course and also at the end of S3 when you sit your SQA exam. Regular revision and review is therefore vital.

We teach the course in 4 sections as you can see below.

Section A

Scotland 1286 - 96: the succession problem following the death of Alexander III; the Scottish response - Treaty of Birgham; the death of the Maid of Norway; the Scottish appeal to Edward I - the decision at Norham; Bruce versus Balliol, the Great Cause and Edward’s choice;

Section B

Edward as overlord of Scotland; the Scottish response; the Anglo-French war and the Franco-Scottish Treaty; the subjugation of Scotland.

Section C

William Wallace: the reasons for and the progress of his rebellion; his victory at Stirling and its effects on Scots and on Scotland; the Battle of Falkirk and the reasons for its failure.

Section D

Robert Bruce: the ambitions of the Bruces; Bruce the patriot; his conflict with and victory over Scottish opponents; his victory over the English; reasons for his success; Declaration of Arbroath - the triumph of the nation state in 1328.

Revision Task 1: Get Organised!

Get 4 pieces of A4 paper. Write the heading Section A, Section B, Section C and Section D at the top of each sheet. Then copy the contents of each section from the description given above. Stick these sheets with blu tac to your revision wall. You can then tick each section off when you have finished revising it!

You can also work your way through this BBC website. It’s excellent.